A couple of months ago I married a man who skin was as delicate as his presence. I was blown away by his divinity and how well we collided...and at my expense, I was nervous to trust someone so true. However, I knew you were sent by the most high so I had to discover you.
My dearest love, angel of mine, I've been with you many lifetimes and this we knew...everyday no matter in what state you catch me and held me through.
You made my life so magical when I decided you'd dance with me.
I will forever thank you for seeing me the way I see you.
Not prefect but well orchestrated and precisely painted.
Let it be known I will be your wings. What is it like just to feel the wind, to be present with you.
For those who understand, and for those who seek may do...but what they'll never ever know is
The reason I can say so many things right now..in this moment...is because you made it so easy for me to love you.